Interview - Chad \YaYa\" Bouchez"
Chad Bouchez, one of the most vocal personalities in the pro game, has been a force on and off the field helping Houston Heat become an institution since the team’s inception in 2012. He beat Nick Slowiak in the quarterfinals of the recent Ultimate Shootout, and his semi-final match with Cody Mickowski is up next. He sits down with Matty Marshall to give us an update about Heat, The Shootout, and rumors about the upcoming NXL World Cup.
Up Next in 2020
Interview - Raney Stanczak
San Antonio X-Factor’s Raney Stanczak was gunfighting and attacking as a man possessed at the NXL World Cup, helping get his squad into the finals. After going down 3 points he helped spearhead a continual attack that tied the game. Losing in overtime, Stanczak almost took home the MVP awar...
Interview - Thomas Mantoni
Veteran Thomas Mantoni has been grinding with and against the best teams in the northeast since the mid 2000’s. He stepped away from the game but has comeback to play for New York Xtreme, a team his hardcore mentality is perfectly suited for.
Interview - Kyle Spicka
Kyle Spicka and the rest of the Golden State Kings’ all-star lineup just took the victory at the Midwest Pro Invitational. Spicka talks to Matty about the event, Edmonton Impact, and the upcoming NXL World Cup.