ICC - Set 5 --10
2021 Iron City ClassicLos Angeles Infamous vs. OBRTRIBE Savages vs.Fox 4 Darkside - BlueAAF vs.GZTM40Brimstonevs.San Diego DynastyDetroit Actionvs.MohawkTribal Disturbancevs.APE Guerrillas
Los Angeles Infamous - 10 Man Team
With their recent performances Los Angeles Infamous sits at the top of the ten-an world like a colossus; they are always on the hunt for a win when the best teams gather their forces and gunfight in the woods.
Armada - 10 Man Team from Mexico
Armada is a scrappy squad with players from both Mexico and the States who are attempting their run at ten-man fame.
Interview - Adam Gomez
Seattle Thunder is ranked 5th overall two events into the 2021 NXL season with two more to go. In the past few years Thunder has fought from the basement of the pro league, to a position where they are now close to cracking into the Top 4. Matty Marshall sits down with one of Thunder’s top killer...
PRO FINALS | Impact vs Heat
Sunday Set 8 Impact vs Heat - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Sunday Set 8 - Austin Notorious vs Killers - A-Team vs Blast Camp
Sunday Set 8 Austin Notorious vs Killers and A-Team vs Blast Camp - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Sunday Set 7 - Coalition vs DBS Factory - NY Brave vs AG Knights
Sunday Set 7 Coalition vs DBS Factory and NY Brave vs AG Knights- 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Sunday Set 6 - BombSquad vs TropicThunder
Sunday Set 6 BombSquad vs TropicThunder - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Sunday Set 5 - Dah Savages vs Tropic Thunder 5 vs War Goons vs 787 CHAOS
Sunday Set 5 Dah Savages vs Tropic Thunder 5 vs War Goons vs 787 CHAOS
Sunday Set 4 - Impact vs Aftermath - Heat vs Dynasty
Sunday Set 4 Impact vs Aftermath and Heat vs Dynasty - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Sunday Set 3 - Impact vs Infamous - Red Legion vs Aftermath
Sunday Set 3 Impact vs Infamous and Red Legion vs Aftermath - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Sunday Set 2 - Heat vs Xtreme - Dynasty vs Thunder
Sunday Set 2 Heat vs Xtreme and Dynasty vs Thunder - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 8 - Impact vs Ironmen - AC Diesel vs DMG
Saturday Set 8 Impact vs Ironmen and AC Diesel vs DMG - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 7 - Infamous vs NRG Elite - XFactor vs LVL
Saturday Set 7 Infamous vs NRG Elite and XFactor vs LVL - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 6 - Damage vs Revo - Outlaws vs Ironmen
Saturday Set 6 Damage vs Revo and Outlaws vs Ironmen - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 5 - Red Legion vs Thunder - Heat vs NRG Elite
Saturday Set 5 Red Legion vs Thunder and Heat vs NRG Elite - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 3 - Red Legion vs AC Dallas - Aftermath vs Uprising
Saturday Set 3 Red Legion vs AC Dallas and Aftermath vs Uprising - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 2 - Revo vs MLKings - Dynasty vs Xtreme
Saturday Set 2 Revo vs MLKings and Dynasty vs Xtreme - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Set 4 - Damage vs Xtreme - Dynasty vs MLKings
Saturday Set 4 Damage vs Xtreme and Dynasty vs MLKings - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 10 - Impact vs DMG - AC Diesel vs Outlaws
Friday Set 10 Impact vs DMG and AC Diesel vs Outlaws - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 9 - Infamous vs LVL - XFactor vs Heat
Friday Set 9 Infamous vs LVL and XFactor vs Heat - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 8 - Impact vs Outlaws - AC Diesel vs Ironmen
Friday Set 8 Impact vs Outlaws and AC Diesel vs Ironmen - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 7 - Infamous vs Heat - XFactor vs NRG Elite
Friday Set 7 Infamous vs Heat and XFactor vs NRG Elite - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 6 - Red Legion vs Uprising - Ironmen vs DMG
Friday Set 6 Red Legion vs Uprising and Ironmen vs DMG - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major