Friday Set 5 - Damage vs MLKings - NRG Elite vs LVL
Friday Set 5 Damage vs MLKings and NRG Elite vs LVL
Friday Set 4 - Red Legion vs Aftermath - Thunder vs AC Dallas
Friday Set 4 Red Legion vs Aftermath and Thunder vs AC Dallas - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 3 - Damage vs Dynasty - Revo vs Xtreme
Friday Set 3 Damage vs Dynasty and Revo vs Xtreme - 2021 Mid Atlantic Major
Friday Set 2 - Thunder vs Aftermath - AC Dallas vs Uprising
Friday Set 2 Thunder vs Aftermath and AC Dallas vs Uprising
Tactics - Episode 18 Corey Field
2021 NXL Sunshine State Major - Seattle Thunder vs. San Diego Dynasty Prelims Match
Pink Rainbow Unicorn NYX Jersey - The Rundown
How it all went down... Revo vs. NYX and the now infamous -Pink Rainbow Unicorn NYX Jersey - The Rundown. Live now on Gosports.com #beafan #gosports #nxlpaintball
Dynasty, Is it over?
Is it over for Dynasty? No. It's not - but losing Tyler will leave a void that will be as difficult to fill, as the likes of Oliver Lang. We shall see how it all goes down. June 25-27 at NXL Mid Atlantic Open - only at Gosports.com. Draft Tyler now on Houston Heat on Myfanwagon.com
Sunday Set 8 - Infamous vs Impact
Sunday Set 8 Infamous vs Impact - Finals - 2021 NXL Sunshine State Major
Sunday Set 7 - TNB vs KC Missouri Allstars - Carolina Crisis vs Hurricanes
Sunday Set 7 TNB vs KC Missouri Allstars and Carolina Crisis vs Hurricanes - 2021 NXL Sunshine State Major
Sunday Set 5 - Venomous bloodline D5 vs BLIZZARD - WHILS PAINTBALL vs Mia Outkast vs Orl - o Storm vs Blackout
Sunday Set 5 Venomous bloodline D5 vs BLIZZARD and WHILS PAINTBALL vs Mia Outkast vs Orlando Storm vs Blackout - 2021 NXL Sunshine State Major
Sunday Set 4 - Red Legion vs Infamous - Impact vs Damage
Sunday Set 4 Red Legion vs Infamous and Impact vs Damage - 2021 NXL Sunshine State Major
Sunday Set 3 - Damage vs Revo - Impact vs X-Factor
Sunday Set 3 Damage vs Revo and Impact vs X-Factor - 2021 NXL Sunshine State Open
Sunday Set 2 - Thunder vs Red Legion - Infamous vs ac DIESEL
Sunday Set 2 Thunder vs Red Legion and Infamous vs ac DIESEL - 2021 NXL Sunshine State Major
Saturday Set 10 - Dynasty vs Revo - Thunder vs Aftermath
Saturday Set 10 - Dynasty vs Revo & Thunder vs Aftermath
Saturday Set 9 - Impact vs X-Factor - Heat vs Uprising
Saturday Set 9 - Impact vs X-Factor & Heat vs Uprising
Saturday Set 8 - Dynasty vs LVL - Revo vs Aftermath
Saturday Set 8 - Dynasty vs LVL & Revo vs Aftermath
Saturday Set 7 - Impact vs NRG - X-Factor vs Uprising
Saturday Set 7 - Impact vs NRG & X-Factor vs Uprising
Saturday Set 6 - Legion vs Damage - Thunder vs LVL
Saturday Set 6 - Legion vs Damage & Thunder vs LVL
Saturday Set 5 - Ironmen vs AC Diesel - Heat vs NRG
Saturday Set 5 - Ironmen vs AC Diesel & Heat vs NRG
Saturday Set 4 - Legion vs MLKings - AC Dallas vs Outlaws
Saturday Set 4 - Legion vs MLKings & AC Dallas vs Outlaws
Saturday Set 3 - Ironmen vs NYX - Infamous vs DMG
Saturday Set 3 - Ironmen vs NYX & Infamous vs DMG
Saturday Set 2 - Damage vs Outlaws - AC Dallas vs MLKings
Saturday Set 2 - Damage vs Outlaws & AC Dallas vs MLKings
Friday Set 10 - Dynasty vs Aftermath - Revo vs Thunder
Friday Set 10 - Dynasty vs Aftermath & Revo vs Thunder
Friday Set 9 - Impact vs Uprising - X-Factor vs Heat
Friday Set 9 - Impact vs Uprising & X-Factor vs Heat