Saturday Set 1 - X-Factor vs Boom - Heat vs Ironmen
Chicago Open
Day two starts out with the men from Texas taking on the men from Green Bay, X-Factor vs Boom. In a game that comes down to the wire, who will win?Watch a very tatical game as coach Todd Martinez of the Ironmen matches wits against Ryan Smith and Houston Heat.
Up Next in Chicago Open
Friday Set 3 - Dynasty vs Aftershock ...
Dynasty and Aftershock have a rich history of paintball battles that go all the way back to Dyansty's first pro year. Watch as these two historic teams battle it out.Heat and Boom is a David vsGoliath match-up. Who will come out on top?
Friday Set 1 - Dynasty vs Heat - Afte...
Dyansty and Heat have each won an NXL event this season and there is no love lost between the two as they square up for the first set of Chicago 2017.Aftershock and Boom have not played each other much over the last few NXL seasons but they have a fierce rivalry that stems from their proximity to...
Chicago 2017 Warmup - Outlaws
Outlaws'sChicago 2017 Warmup